Ahoyo Features
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Fully customizable
Customize your Ahoyo page to include various blocks, every block with each one settings and customization options.
Mobile optimized
Your customers and visitors experience will always look great. On phones, tablets, and computers.
Forever free
We are dedicated to personal brands, side projects and small businesses. This is why we will always have a free-tier waiting for you, when you embark on a new endeavor.
Google Calendar scheduling system
Connect your Google Cal and allow your customers to schedule appointments with 1-click. Connect unlimited number of Google Accounts and have all of your team's calendars on the same link.
Contact us form
Allow your customers to quickly email you, without revealing your email address. Working on a side-project? Save time and money by not developing a dedicated website just for a contact form.
Online store
Use the Products Block
to start selling anything on the fly. No cart, no galleries, just one-click direct PayPal checkout.
Unforgettable link
Ahoyo links are easily remembered by your customers and visitors.
HTML support Pro
Add any 3rd party integration or build your own blocks to create unlimited options. We even added Bootstrap 4 to make it easier to style.
Your own SEO agency
Instead of building your own domain's reputation, enjoy the SEO tailwind of our amazing community. We also keep updating your meta tags to meet the latest SEO trends and standards. It's like having a full-time SEO agency on your side!
Your content from everywhere
With the Posts Block you can aggregate Medium articles, tweets, Wordpress blogs and any RSS feed. Have your visitors catch-up on everything new you posted, in a single place.
YouTube Videos
Embed YouTube videos directly to your page, for a warm welcome message or product promotion.
Customer relationship manager (CRM)
Our built-in contacts grid allows you to know more about your customers, track their activity and write notes. You can also export it any time to most popular formats.
Built-in Analytics
Don't want to share your data with 3rd party providers? No problem. Ahoyo comes with a simple analytics system that filters crawlers and shows just what you need.
Offer services
Use the Services block
to help your customers quickly browse the services you offer and schedule an appointment or make a purchase.
PWA mobile app new
Your Ahoyo page knows how to behave as a mobile device home shortcut. It's like your own app! How cool is that? cool. cool cool cool.